AutoCAD has been a helpful tool to visualize projects, its dimensions and cut list, and necessary materials. Digital drawings can be translated into tangible products by using 3D printers and CNC machining. Fortunately, I've acquired a useful PLA 3D printer which I use to make woodworking jigs and for other DIY projects.
However, my future goal is to eventually own a CNC machine so I could speed up my routing projects.
Below are some of my AutoCAD 2D, isometric, and 3D digital drawings.
Apartment Plan
Nozzle Plan
Rendered Wedge
Wireframed Frustum Cones & Torus 
Base Assembly
Scooter Assembly (details) Part 1 
Scooter Assembly Part 2
MP3 Player 
Fixture Assembly
Flanged Coupling
Garage Framing
Cast Iron Tee
Angle Support
Race Car
Office Building

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